• PR expert urges Gareth Southgate to be more transparent in his plans for the team to win back the trust of fans

  • Gareth Hoyle, MD of Coveragely says the England manager should be careful which players he associates himself with

While England was saved by Jude Bellingham’s sensational overhead kick against Slovakia, Gareth Southgate will unfortunately need a more strategic plan if he is to regain the trust of fans.

Despite Southgate having won more knockout games in major tournaments than every other England manager, since 1966 combined, his lack of strategy and inaction have left many England fans confused about where the Lions are heading.

Here Gareth Hoyle a PR expert and managing director of Coveragely explains the public relations strategies that he says Southgate should consider to win back the affection of fans.

Transparent Communication:

The simplest way to reconnect with fans is through transparent communication during interviews and addressing issues as and when they arise to minimise speculation.

The England manager should consider outlining his intentions for the next match with clarity and intention to help ease fan concerns.

Community Engagement:

As the Lions well know, it takes a team to achieve greatness and no one man can be solely responsible for success or failure.

As such, Mr Southgate should consider broadening his comms teams across social media and PR to reflect his amiable personality which will help foster closer relationships with supporters.

Addressing Team Performance and Mistakes:

Despite being a steadfast professional, we all get it wrong from time to time and Mr Southgate should take time to evaluate where he and the team may have gotten their play wrong to avoid potential future upset from fans.

Ideally, the England manager should be communicating the long-term vision and strategy for the squad, emphasizing dedication to improvement and success.

Personal Branding:

While Mr Southgate enjoys an amiable public image, described in one article as “an intelligent, modest, fair-minded, even-tempered person with a steel spine”, he should be wary that public opinion can flip quicker than Jude Bellingham’s foot.

As a result, the England manager should consider fostering further connections with the media to ensure his voice is leading the team’s narrative.

It also wouldn’t hurt to bring the waistcoat back!

Positive Team Culture:

By demonstrating a strong relationship with players and highlighting a positive and supportive team environment, Mr Southgate can prove to fans how seriously he and the team are taking the Euros.

The England manager should be careful which players he aligns with, however, as credibility can be built but also lost quickly while in the wrong company. Gareth Southgate should consider minimising closer relationships with players who are more negatively perceived by the press.

Gareth Hoyle a PR expert and managing director of Coveragely says:

“A manager’s reputation can significantly impact their career and the team’s image, which is why effective PR is so important.

“Good PR is essential in building a positive public image, which is important for improving morale, fostering loyalty and building a constructive team environment.

“This, in turn, can lead to an improved experience for fans and ultimately, a boosted performance on the pitch.”
