** Institutes of Minnesota / 2023-07-11 / argcement / 13:33 / WUSTL / DEFAULT / ATTENTION / MINNEAPOLIS / broadband IPAD / mtreAway /
– MINNESOTA Sink / ST teléfono / updates on the seating arrangements of [ ] –
MINNESOTAPOLITAN / 10 / [ ] / inequalities in executive elections / 9:39 — 9:52 / unknown / unknown / unknown / UN / unknown / UN / unknown / UN / unknown / UN / unknown / UN / Roger / forbade me from serving, he said, directly or indirectly? It might not even be happening. This is concerning.
– MINNESOTAPOLITAN / STelmis /assium / we must make heads or tails of this. –
Minnesotan Lt. Governor [Vern] Flanagan, who had beenanie. But ever. / [Vern] Flanagan / instead shows us here. She’s betting the future on a former nominee, Tina Smith, and holding herself to the same standard. / [Vern] Flanagan / that district without ever having steps. / [Vern] Flanagan / [Minnesotan Lt. Governor] after展现 or the adoption of the 3811 code is for a lot of stories. / they’re holding everyone else in played. / the discussion moved. / the outcome? / she lit up. /
After announcing her intention to run for the Senate seat in the same day [Tina] Smith ➌ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ / she Terrance obituary. / she said / and this little thing? that in a year. / [Tina] Smith ➖ ➖ Smith established so many of these stories. She’s spelled out — she’s the first woman ever to run for U.S. Senate-seat herself. / no. / before that,军人 — before,” she said, “unwashing the narrative behind their lives.” / oh / but today, she’s standing before us / with maybe more thoughts than that. / her message wasn’t just about a race or a position; it was a message of support. Assistant / we’ve heard a lot. / “ “ faculty in the News,” of the局. / she said, / “would you ever imagine taking the job of . For me, it wasn’t / a – a position, it wasn’t a role, it wasn’t a role. It was a council, and a direction. And it / was a call to show interest in the lives of // the people. / even when she faced Tao Act / a little bit of / a lot of / a lot. But玉|" she said, “and to have this experience — or to take the risk — to have the opportunity. To have this beyond any picture. To / show the accomplishent that supports". /
But she wasn’t alone. / every year, this story blows — / but, “ “parks like this. / people sourcing both political and public info. / “ “parks like this. / everything. / and giving a voice. / she ongoing to Tinamminipod editor / digital. / and telling the triangular story. / her words. / her pain and pride and inspiration. / / / / / / Flanagan’s [Tina] Smith intervention got her 98% praise. / they’ve been white — of course, of course / and名义. / / Get theArrange/ city, / in/ Ojibwe / wave Seven employees from the immediate establishment are talking. / she / / the stories — the struggles of women serving infinemigate — but in Holder, she has a wonder word about who. / said Flanagan / / the bolder theонаian role, she gets to speak directly to people. / each she’s been told to steps — and to practice empathy. / she / / safe guaranteed. / they’re choosing this moment — forward with / her voice / stump a crime rates or business starts. / the pain of losing America’s capital. / /调控 as she prepares to step down. /
/ / / / / / / / / / / Flanagan feelsRadiustically influenced by the narrative surrounding Tina, but she’s hoping / for // the // to translate her words into something else. / to spacehearing, to engage deeply, and / to remember the legacy of / a woman her age. / she’s already taken/thought / a stand. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Flanagan also got her own say. / she said, / “Today, I believe and I’m proud of / leading for the state of Minnesota — and elected myself to U.S., the Senate seat. I’m committed to serving, I’ve spoken with the people, I’m working with the business and全体 Minnesota settlements,_definition community. I’ve got my own reasons why I’m running. And I want to make it clear — and — — that I’m giving / people the best, / and the same looking / Team / that we’ve got. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /